August 24, 2022
The Suburban
Bon C Bon has come a long way since Caroline Ross started cooking and packaging meals in her NDG apartment nearly fifteen years ago. She and her husband and business partner, Michael Verrall, just put the finishing touches on their new, bigger location in Saint Laurent. read more

February 10, 2016
Small businesses require standardization in order to grow.It may have been gray and cloudy outside, but the sun was shining on Bon C Bon. As I entered the LaSalle storefront of their catering kitchen, I was greeted by Caroline’s warm and endearing smile. read more

April 30, 2015
MTL Blog
It’s safe to say that Montrealers like love to eat! And while we don’t have any shortage of great restaurants and awesome markets to choose from, what we have less and less of these days is the time and money to enjoy them. read more

March 9, 2015
Montreal Gazette
Caroline Ross always enjoyed cooking for friends and family.
The difference now is that her circle has expanded to include hundreds of households on and around the island of Montreal. read more

April 3, 2010
The West End Times
With the launch of her gourmet chef service, BonCBon, Montreal entrepreneur Caroline Ross found a way to unite her belief in the importance of family and her passion for cooking, read more

Home delivery of prepared meals growing among seniors
By Anthony Bonaparte, July 15, 2009
The Suburban
Leonard and Janet Martin, both 97, will celebrate their 72nd wedding anniversary in October. The NDG couple has always led an active life, read more

By Toula Foscolos, July 15, 2009
The Monitor
Enjoy cooked meals but don’t have the time to make them yourself? NDG resident Caroline Ross and her catering service, Bon C Bon, to the rescue! Born in Côte St-Luc and residing in NDG for the past 16 years, Caroline Ross has always enjoyed preparing and serving food to people, read more